Ekaterina Zwyssig (Filippova), eKat Communication

Hi! I am Kat,
Holistic Marketing Partner For Coaches and Consultants

I typically work with Coaches and Consultants 2-3 years in business who need to pivot / reposition themselves due to changed circumstances.

They want to speed up the pivoting process and make it more effective, as well as have confidence they are focusing on the right activities for their business:

I work with Consultants, Coaches, Therapists and Trainers who want to take their business to the next level, whatever that means to them e.g: 

  • offering a new online programme
  • serving new types of clients
  • creating a digital funnel
  • mastering LinkedIn etc.

They are unsure what to focus on and which steps to take and are overwhelmed by all the choices available in digital marketing.

Having worked directly with many consultants since 2016, I have realised that most of them have 3 main challenges related to upleveling their business:

That’s where I come in.

As their trusted digital marketing partner, I help them focus on what’s essential – and nothing else – to reach their goals. I provide clarity and structure to create a marketing strategy specific to their particular business, situation and suitable for their personality.

My clients go from spinning their wheels and procrastinating in their marketing (or on the contrary, doing too much) to having a strategy that helps them simplify and focus their marketing efforts.

"Kat has helped me see how I can be more strategic and have more impact with my different online marketing activities.

After analyzing my current activities, she gave clear recommendations and hands-on advice on how to prioritize and streamline my digital marketing activities.

I especially appreciate Kat’s expertise, professionalism and pragmatism.

Kat was always very responsive whenever I had questions and she was also helpful in recommending the best online tools to work with."
Maria Wilhelmsson
Executive Presence, Voice & Public Speaking Coach - Founder & Director, VoxImpact

My services are for you if:

"Kat has a very structured approach that helps you to tackle your goal step by step and move ahead steadily.
partner that challenged me with care and made me grow.

I highly recommend all the entrepreneurs that want to boost their business to get in touch with her at the soonest"
Davide Costella
Communication Coach (davidecostella.com)
EKATERINA ZWYSSIG - Photo by Zori Art (https://zoriart.com)

Get the No-nonsense marketing tips for Coaches and Consultants

Weekly, you’ll get my no BS, bite-sized pieces of pragmatic marketing advice + Useful tools, approaches and techniques + Templates and examples to help you grow your Coaching or Consulting business on your terms – with less overwhelm, in a structured and authentic way.

Some of my past clients

Ways to work with me

1:1 Coaching / Consulting

If you want to speed up the process of acquiring clients, have someone accompany you every step of the way and focus on the right activities that will successfully grow your business, then my 1:1 signature programme is for you:

10-week 1:1 programme “The Simple Client Acquisition System”

DIY video course

“Grow Your Coaching Business More Predictably” video course follows exactly the same structure as my 1:1 programme at a fraction of the investment:

“I came to Kat with the following question: How do I position myself in the consulting market?

What I appreciated the most about working with Kat - no "bullshit": high density of content, very efficient, very clear, very well constructed. Logical sequence of tasks.

The perfect coach: responsibility is with the client but Kat gives tools and also a little time pressure. She drives her clients to good results.”

Compensation & Benefits Consultant | Ex-Swisscom

Not sure which area of marketing you need to address as a priority?

Take the 5-minute self-assessment below and answer 20 Yes/No questions to discover which areas you need to focus on in your marketing to get predictable new business.

It literally takes 5 minutes to get clarity about what you need to address in your marketing and most importantly, how to create a predictable stream of clients.


Feedback from others who have taken the self-assessment:​

I absolutely LOVED taking your self-assessment. It's not just about the results. The way you asked the questions gave me insights and practical ideas into the areas where I need to focus on (some immediately) and the actions I could take. Awareness and insights are key to taking the right decisions in marketing (and business in general) and your assessment is doing just that!
Ioana Hardy
The Impacters Group
I highly recommend this test, you get lots of insights from it and it's quick and easy to do.
Corinne Mauzac
F&J Agile Solutions
Thank you for sharing your diagnostic survey with me, it was very helpful to be shown how much in distress my marketing was 😀 I loved the clear distinction between the four categories and the clarity around what is needed in each to have an efficient marketing strategy.
Daniela Rusu
Quantum Leader
"I just tried out your self-assessment and I really liked it! Appreciated the flow of the questions, from the offering to sales to marketing to processes and systems. The results and recommendation really made sense and are clear and concise."
Maria Wilhelmsson
Vox Impact

Useful resources

Been meaning to update your website for months (ahem, years) but don’t know how to best structure your content?

Stuck for ideas for LinkedIn posts that would speak to your ideal clients?

Just starting out and not sure how to present yourself on your website and LinkedIn in the most effective way to attract clients?

Grab my most popular (and free) resources below to help you get unstuck with your website creation/update and LinkedIn presence.

Get the No-nonsense marketing tips for Coaches and Consultants

Weekly, you’ll get my no BS, bite-sized pieces of pragmatic marketing advice + Useful tools, approaches and techniques + Templates and examples to help you grow your Coaching or Consulting business on your terms – with less overwhelm, in a structured and authentic way.

About Me

My name is Ekaterina Zwyssig, or Kat for short. Originally Russian, I’ve called Switzerland my home since 2003. I live close to Lake Geneva, the most beautiful place in this country (I am completely objective about it, of course!).

After living here for so long, I have developed into a curious blend of Russian-ness, Swiss-ness and a bit of expat influence thrown on the side. I can still cook a killer borsch but I get frustrated if the train is late by 5 minutes and enjoy speaking mostly English in a professional setting.

You can read the full story how I ended up working with Coaches and Consultants in 2016 here.

I’d be happy to hear from you if you’d like to explore working together. Let’s have a chat!

Top photo by Jane del Pozo (https://www.janedelpozophotography.fr)